The old town of Alcudia, nestled on the island of Majorca, is a charming and historically rich enclave that offers a captivating journey back in time.

Encircled by well-preserved medieval walls, the town's cobblestone streets and quaint alleys exude an air of antiquity, transporting visitors to an era of bygone splendor. The imposing gates that grant entry into the old town, such as the Porta de Mallorca and the Porta de Sant Sebastià, stand as silent sentinels guarding the town's heritage.


Wandering through the labyrinthine streets of Alcudia's old town is like stepping into a living history book. The town's layout is a testament to its Roman origins, evident in the remnants of ancient structures and architectural details that have endured through the centuries. The Plaça Major, a central square adorned with charming cafes and local shops, serves as a vibrant hub where locals and visitors alike gather to soak in the atmosphere and enjoy the authentic Mediterranean culture.

Alcudia's rich history is beautifully preserved within its walls, and the town's cultural heritage is proudly showcased in its museums and landmarks. The Museu Monogràfic de Pollentia, an archaeological museum, offers insights into the Roman past of the region, displaying artifacts that highlight the town's historical significance as an ancient settlement. As you explore the old town's nooks and crannies, you'll encounter charming boutiques, traditional restaurants, and glimpses of daily life that seamlessly merge with the town's captivating historical backdrop. A visit to Alcudia's old town is a journey that offers a profound appreciation for the island's past and a delightful experience of its vibrant present.